

To use the directives, your file must contain Sphinx-SimplePDF in the extension list:

extensions = [
    # additional extensions


if-builder can be used to define builder specific content.

The content of the directive gets added to the documentation only, if the provided directive argument matches the chosen builder name. The argument is case-insensitive.


.. if-builder:: simplepdf

   .. toctree::


.. if-builder:: html

   .. toctree::


   Other HTML specific content, which will not be part of the PDF.
# Call examples
make simplepdf
sphinx-build -M html . _build


if-builder may not be taken into account, if a Sphinx incremental build is performed. Be sure to always use a clean first build, after a builder switch.


Why not using the .. only:: directive?

The only directive works differently and does not support for instance toctree and other mechanism for controlling the documentation structure.


if-include can be used to include files only when the specified builder is used. This is the same as using a include nested in a if-builder statement. You can list multiple files and use different builders.

.. if-builder:: simplepdf

   .. include:: ./path/to/my/file.xy

   .. include:: ./path/to/my/other/file.xy

is the same as

.. if-include:: simplepdf



in some cases content meant for html only builds will get included in the PDF if you build the html documentation and do not delete the build files.

Always make sure to use make clean or similar to delete build files before building the PDF.

The following chapter should only be visible in the PDF version of this documentation


Includes a PDF file inside the the HTML code. The browser decides mostly, what kind of PDF-viewer.

.. pdf-include:: _static/SimplePDF_test.pdf


For more options of how to configure the PDF viewer, take a look into the documentation of sphinxcontrib-pdfembed

width / height

Provide a number and unit for width/height.

Examples: :width: 50%, height: 800px.

:width: 100%
:height: 400px.
.. pdf-include:: _static/SimplePDF_test.pdf
   :width: 40%
   :height: 200px


Specify the page to show when PDF gets loaded.

Default: None

If not given the browser decides what page to open (normally page 1) and may also reuse the last seen page number.

.. pdf-include:: _static/SimplePDF_test.pdf
   :page: 2


If set to 0, the toolbar is hidden in most browsers (seems not to work on Firefox).

Default: 1

.. pdf-include:: _static/SimplePDF_test.pdf
   :toolbar: 0