Technical details ================= The sphinx-simplepdf registers the following stuff: A sphinx builder, called ``simplepdf``. Code inside ``/builders/``. A sphinx theme, called ``sphinx-simplepdf``. Files under ``/themes/sphinx_simplepdf``. During package installation, builder and theme get registered for Sphinx. This is done via the ``enytry__points`` mechanism. .. literalinclude:: ../ :lines: 32-39 Workflow -------- 1. User calls ``make simplepdf``. 2. ``simplepdf`` builder overwrites theme to use ``sphinx-simplepdf``. 3. Builder generates ``main.css`` from ``main.scss`` files. Injects also config-vars from ``simplepdf_vars``. 4. Builder starts a **SingleFileHTML** based build. 5. Sphinx creates one single ``index.html``. 6. Builder manipulates created ``index.html``: * Fixes toc-tree links 7. Builders starts **weasyprint** with ``index.html`` as input 8. Done, PDF file exists under ``_build/simplepdf``. DEMO project ------------ The DEMO project is stored under `/demo/` and provides a common way for all developers and users to test everything on a common base. It can be build by the following steps: - ``git clone`` - ``cd sphinx-simplepdf`` - ``pip install .`` - ``cd demo`` - ``pip install -r doc-requirements.txt`` - ``sphinx-build -a -E -b simplepdf . _build/``