Installation ============ From PyPi --------- .. code-block:: bash pip install sphinx-simplepdf From source ----------- .. code-block:: bash git clone cd sphinx-simplepdf pip install . Requirements ------------ **Sphinx-SimplePDF** requires **Sphinx version >= 4.4.4** to properly render the Table of Content with page counts. macOS installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are using **macOS** as operating system, the chance is high that the package **pango** gets not automatically installed when installing **Sphinx-SimplePDF**. In this case please run also ``brew install pango``. Windows installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Sphinx-SimplePDF** is based on WeasypPrint, which is not so easy to get installed on Windows. Please follow their instructions about `how to install WeasyPrint on Windows `_. Using Sphinx-SimplePDF directives --------------------------------- Sphinx-SimplePDF can be called directly after the installation. However, if you want to use the included directives, like :ref:`if-builder`, you need to add Sphinx-SimplePDF to the list of extensions in your ```` file:: extensions = [ 'sphinx_simplepdf', # additional extensions ] ReadTheDocs configuration ------------------------- **Sphinx-SimplePDF** can be also used on `Read The Docs (RTD) `_ to generate your PDF. As it is not supported by RTD by default, you need to create a ``.readthedocs.yaml`` configuration file on the root level of our project. You can take the one from **Sphinx-SimplePDF** as a good example: .. literalinclude:: /../.readthedocs.yaml